@remixlink unless the skill is perfect it won't pass. The polling system is kinda rubbish. Even 70% bit too high. Contrast to no voting system pre eoc, 70% is kind of too high. At 50%, only bad updates will not pass. So players who strongly fear jagex putting in bad update like EOC or removal of wildy back in the ole day, a 50% pass/fail rate is enough to fail the really bad updates. Also jagex is really good at fixing bugs or problems listening to the players after a new update. It won't be like last time, where updates like gambling microtransactions were pushed upon, and eoc was forced. Other companies deliver unfinished copy and paste games and if it's buggy, it's never fixed.
The problem I observed that goes beyond just RuneScape is that most people have a fixed mindset. If you heard of growth mindset and fixed mindset. A lot of people like comfort zone, most people are not willing to new try new things, take risks, and open their minds to new things. They find complacency and cross their arms, and defend it like their life depends on it. When I watch some YouTube videos, a lot of people who never tried anything will just downright say " no that is stupid", "that is trash", "it will never work" "it will never pass, I'm downvoting it" Very few even in real life, are elon musk crazy where they are visionaries and want to try new things and take risks. That's what separates successful people and non successful people and obviously successful people are dime in a dozen in world of average.
10-Feb-2023 08:17:18
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10-Feb-2023 08:29:26
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