I'm not sure if this has already been suggested or not but I'd really like to see Soul Wars implanted, as an alternative to Pest Control. This would probably be a hot topic for people to discuss.
And most of all, if nothing else makes its way into OSRS, I'd LOVE to have Player & NPC walking fixed. No more dancing around a target or backtracking when you run to a new location while you're already running at an angled-path. Please, please fix this...
[qfc id=]18-May-2013 08:09:53
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i kinda want a grand exchange just to make trading easier because i hate sitting waiting for like half an hour to try to buy or sell something and always having to pay what they want me too not what the price f the item actually is idk would just make it easier so people could just put items in and continue on with w/e they were doing not having to sit and wait for like 2 hours to sell 20k maple logs or something.. idk just my opinion/thought [/qfc]
I totally Agree I am sick of waiting for hours and still not being able to sell or buy What I want A grand Exchange would be so great!
I think you should definitely add an option for 2008 HD graphics for the people who wanted HD Pre-EoC servers. There would still be an option to play in SD (2007) aswell as HD. I think this would definitely help these servers grow as without updates like this the OldSchool servers will eventually die out. I'm not asking for EoC graphics, or G.E, just HD graphics from the first day HD was released back in 2008. This will take a while to complete but it will definitely help these servers. If private servers can do it, why can't a professional team like JaGex?
I don't know if it has been proposed, but I would like to see bank tabs back. They were awfully convenient. Plus I'm a bit of a neat freak!
I AGREE it would be most helpful Please add bank Tabs
1. free2play servers should be free, coz we need more old players back to this game + revive wilderness and free2play pking and multi pking with clans. atm F2P worlds are dead as dead can be.
2. bring back the original Pest Control with good xp rewards, coz nowadays people play Pest Control only for Void armours... xp rewards now are just sad (10x less than they were in original Pest Control which was really fast & fun place to train combat)... Pest Control became a worthless place to train combat after the update.
at least do a poll about this coz 99% of players want these updates... and we pay money for it. (without free servers this game will die just like runescape classic did without free servers).
Poll for Rares(many people were confused and did not like the outcome of the first poll)
Poll for Smoking Kills quest(Be able to get Slayer helm, and other slayer items back)
Poll for GE(There are both positives and negatives to bringing this back, majority rules)
Poll for GWD(The items from GWD would add variety for Pkers! Also Pvm money making)
Poll for the HD graphics from 08(Great graphics with classic weapons look)
Just keep in mind this should be OSRS not just 07scape!