This is for mobile but can you update the interface, to where the magic spellbook is on the other side along with the inventory similar to the pc interface to make high alching easier for mobile users please
Maybe just switch it with the worn equipment slot because everyone i have spoken to refuse to alche on the mobile since its kind of annoying to do so. I also think it would be a popular poll among mobile users thank you
I am a long-time OSRS back from 05. I quit in '10 and came back to the game with the mobile release. While the general feel is still very nostalgic I find that the biggest challenge I have with playing this game is the significant number of bots spinning flax in lumbridge. I would urge the developers to consider some or all of the following options to address the bot issue.
1. Only allow the lumbridge spinning wheel to spin wool OR allow it to spin flax after completing a quest (i.e. Prince Ali Rescue).
2. Set a 1,000 flax cooldown for 5-15 minutes or Max hours per 24 hour period
3. Remove "Door seems to be stuck" from all doors in lumbridge castle. (only for trolling bots)
4. Randomize stairway option (climb up/down) when going from 1st floor (2nd US) to 2nd Floor (3rd US).
If warding is to be released, should "Old School RuneScape" (OSRS) be renamed to "Old School RuneScape2"(OSRS2), and should this change be depicted on the Old School RuneScape2 logo? Currently the game already does not depict an exact or nearly exact copy of the original 2007 version of the game.
JAGEX PLEASE START PLANING FOR A 300Million Account Event.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Quick find code: 185-186-627-65997434
Hey JAGEX Please lower the amount of ether needed to activate the revenant weapons, players are targeted more due the bonus/special attack. The blowpipe easily competes with these weapons and when people with blowpipes die they don’t lose anything, while the others with these weapons have to buy over 1000 ether each time. Ultimately making these weapons obsolete, You normally can’t survive 3 minutes in these caves without getting attacked let alone Possessing one of these revenant weapons lol ?
There should be a way to undo mistaken xp. Tons of pures in osrs have gotten that 1-5 unwanted defence levels that everyone dreads.. myself included.
With a stat reset option that would open up a ton of new issues and abuse but wouldn't make it make sense to add a feature that would fix those accidental levels?
For example:
1mil = 1000xp removed therefore saving any players with a few accidental levels without opening up room for abuse unless a player is willing to spend billions of gp to reset high stats
My poll idea would basically be what’s already involved on RS3.
I do understand there is winterdolt, although some people would say firemaking seems like a pointless skill (Other then a couple high FM quest).
Some people want some downtown after mass clicking for whatever they’re training and settle down to throw logs on a bonfire, granted it doesn’t HAVE to be a full exp, maybe like 80% exp.
Allow toxic trident to be used against other players in pvp. I don't see how it is overpowered in anyway. you are able to load blowpipes up with dragon darts and scales and lose nothing when you die. Why can't we have the same option with the trident being loaded up with runes. And with the max hit of fire surge trident is weak. We need a way for magers to pk with vengeance to match against rangers and meleers.