mages are too weak in F2p pvp at higher levels. therefore, to balance out the game fire wave should be made F2p.
max hit possible for range in f2p is 18( with 44 prayer) and has high attack rate.
max hit for melee is 27 (with scim)
and currently max hit for mages in 16 (fire blast)?!?! not to mention that fire blast has a slowest attack rate!
c'mon its common sense. add fire wave to f2p.
Include the option to sort your spellbooks like how pre-eoc implemented (and I believe its still part of current RS3 from the last time I played).
For example, sort by teleports so they appear first in your mage book.
It would be one of those simple things that just makes it easier to find a specific spell category when on an unfamiliar spellbook or just to have all versions of a spell side-by-side.
Can the Slayer Cape have the ability when worn to let you skip tasks only costing 15 slayer points instead of the current 30?
Since the slayer cape only has a chance to get Back to back tasks and is one of the hardest and longest skills it only makes it fair after all the hard work to be rewarded more.
My suggestion, as ive seen many others complain AND agree IN GAME and on reddit.... is to increase the timer in which birds nests disappear. Even if its just by a total of another 30 seconds!!! What seems to happen to the majority of woodcutters are as follows, as well as a few follow up points.
1.) We may click a tree and go to grab a drink or chat with someone, (something you should be able to do while doing such an afk skill) , come back, see a birds nest, go to click it and in the time between our hands touching the mouse and moving towards the nest itself... it disappears... (maybe add a sensor of some type??)
2.) We may be reading up on a quest on another tab or some researching other RuneScape related things and as soon as we click back to the game and go to grab the birds nest it disappears.
3.) A 1/256 drop rate for a 30 second chance to grab it?? (thats alot of logs to keep an eye out for just to have barley any time to grab it!)
4.) Its just pure annoyance for everyone i see it happen to.
5.) Fishing allows clue bottles in your inventory... whats the HUGE difference? (change the price of empty nests from 10k to something lower if its a economy issue??)
Lastly, all im suggesting really is maybe a 60 second timer or even a 45 second timer instead of 30, considering what seems to happen to everyone is they are 1 second away from grabbing the nest and POOF its gone. please consider this as it annoys a vast majority of players training woodcutting daily.
Hi so i have spoke to other scapers, and me i love slayer along with a majority of members in osrs, LETS make a poll for a vote for SLAYER PETS?! this may have been asked before, but slayer pets for instance, Pet bloodveld, Pet kurask, Pet Wyvern, Pet spectre, Pet Nech, Pet gargoyle?!?! things like that make it super rare chance it would be so fun an i think alot of people would get excited about it. LETS MAKE IT HAPPEN
I had just posted recently about including "Slayer Pets" but i was thinking what if we did, SUPERIOR SLAYER PETS, rare chance at a superior becoming a pet! come on now scapers would adore this, lets make a poll
This is my first suggestion and I hope to see it come come to a poll however, I don't think there's enough support for this. I am a 1 defense pure however, I enjoy doing construction as well. What I would like to see happen is to have the fairy enhancement tradable so we (1 def pures) can put the fairy ring in our house for when we host house parties. We still won't be able to use the fairy rings however, we can have it in our POH for other users. I am asking for everyone's support in getting this pushed to a vote. Thank you all!
Would it be possible to poll the Hand Cannon weapon back into the game? It was a really an awesome ranged weapon that gave new meaning to the firemaking skill and was the ranged equivalent to a godsword, even though it had a chance to explode often, if your firemaking level was low.