As many of you are aware poll #2 offered the runescape community some great game changers. One question polled, however, did not pass! And I think I know exactly why. In red you'll find the question that was polled, and what i'm going to discuss.
Players will be permitted to return to Ape Atoll without claiming the Defence XP reward of the Monkey Madness quest, allowing pures to attempt the monkey chapter of Recipe for Disaster.
Yes - 61% (46548 votes)
No - 39% (29146 votes)
Firstly, the question offers two rewards as opposed to just one. And! I think had this question been worded differently it would've easily passed with a supermajority. The question offers permission to return to Ape Atoll without taking the XP reward offered by Daero WHILST allowing pures to attempt the monkey chapter for rfd. I think this question should have just polled offering access to ape atoll, and not the latter. I honestly believe that if the question had been polled without allowing pures to attempt the monkey chapter of RFD this poll would have easily passed.
I find it quite silly if anyone disagrees with me on this one, when pures do have access to Ape atoll, ONLY if they do not have to finish the quest. Therefore, their isn't really any explicit reason why anyone shouldn't be able to access Ape Atoll considering they've made an accomplishment by finishing the quest.
So, here is the only thing i'm asking. I'm asking for this to be re-polled with only one reward. It should probably go something like this, "Players will be permitted to return to Ape Atoll without claiming the Defence XP reward of the Monkey Madness quest, but will NOT permit 'pures' to attempt the monkey chapter of Recipe for Disaster."
I think it's a great idea, and if anyone disagrees with me i'd love to know why. All I'm asking is for a second chance on this poll, without increased access to the monkey chapter in the RFD quest for pures.
22-Jun-2013 00:51:21