Re-poll Grand Exchange please, or something similar where you can trade through the trading post, the current trading post is USELESS, here is an example of how bad it is...if someone wants to lower the price of an item they can just place and offer at lowest price so it appears over everyone else's creating competition between sellers, but they leave their private off because they are not actually selling the item. You cannot even post buy offers, if anything it became dead content BEFORE it was released. Lets say it was changed to where you can post buy offers...I could post an offer such as "buying 10,000 dragon bones" then someone could pm me and say "I have dragon bones, come Canifis" and ithen I'll ask "how many you got?" and they might say "I only have 12" then I'll remove them, someone else might have my 10,000 dragon bones, but they may say "I have the dragon bones, come my world Prifiddinas" I HAVEN'T EVEN DONE THE QUEST! If I say I can't come they are likely to say "sorry I cba going varrock west" then I will be stuck waiting for many hours to buy my dragon bones. I hope you will understand the need for a better trading system and will consider a re-poll. Thanks!
26-Dec-2014 15:21:34