Could you add something like a bulletin board that would show who is hosting a gilded altar/open house so that people wanting to use the gilded altar of the POH wouldn't have to stand around saying "Host?" over and over again?
I agree,construction really needs an update. Barely anyone does it, and i think it should be a more accesible skill to everyone, not just those with millions in bank.
For all PvMers of this community please give us gravestone with bless... We can't pvm with best gear anymore need to get **** items or we lose all because of these dc
One of the biggest things from new runescape that I would like to see in oldschool are toolbelts in some form.
I don't think they should just be given to us though, maybe through a minigame? It just really detracts from the game when your running to the bank every 5 minutes because you need a log or a hammer, especially during quests.
Poll: add report option: offensive name. I've seen so many racial, ******, **********, and many other discriminative names that people should be banned for.