Just submitted to have a right-click prayer recharge added to the Ectofuntus in exchange for Ecto-tokens, either as a small charge each time or as a 1-time upgrade.
Would be cool to have this feature: Be able to talk to 'My Arm' after finishing the quest 'My Arm's Big Adventure' to toggle the destination of the Trollheim Teleport spell to make you appear next to the herb patch, purely for farming convenience.
Hello everyone, I thought it would be a great idea if holy pages were made to be inserted and removable from holy books. This would give the players greater ability to experience the game as they would be able to take pages out of their holy book and sell them if they wanted to get different pages to fill another holy book. Just an idea because a full book can cost upwards of 1 Million GP and at that price it just doesn't seem worth it when I could spend that money on training skills.
Please fix slayer masters' AI. My past 8 slayer tasks have been as follows:
Elves, Spiritual warriors
Elves, Daggonoths, Spiritual warriors
Black demons, Spiritual warriors
Dust devils, Spiritual warriors.
I'm sick of spiritual warriors. Can I please do something else?
this is not a question but a general feeling from players who decided to play OS because for various reasons they decided that new EOC game sucked. Many of us came her because of that and were happy that the old game was restored, however it seems that programmers think that they can **** all over old game and basically do the same useless and unwanted content that made players leave in droves? Is that what jagex wants? There are many games out there that actually cater to what players really want but unfortunately Jagex programmers seem incoherent and oblivious perhaps they need a reality check. Guess who pays your wages? Jagex needs to wise up and for once really listen to what players want. Or else guess what?
Wouldnt it be great if you could get your Fire Cape back if you lost it? So its still 1 Jad Kill per Fire Cape and the drop option would have to be changed to destroy... that would not affect the economy, except that risking it isnt a problem anymore.
I think it would be really great to be able to use NMZ overloads in Clanwars since its a (safe) PVP area and especially good for warring & the warring community as you don't have to bring 4-5 different pots and re-pot every time you brew down. As the clan cup is soon i think this would be very helpful for that also.
09-Jul-2014 06:50:58
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09-Jul-2014 07:24:45
Im scared of going wildy with expensive items, ppl can invade me with dragon spears and i can say "gg ags". You realy should change that special attack.