- New Grand Exchange which takes 5-10% commission (the exact percentage taken can be voted on) from offers.
this will be an excellent compromise for those who want an easy way to buy and sell items which is not the same as the GE.
- Money Sink
- Higher value items, and some items commonly sold in bulk (runes, food, chins) can still be bought from other players to avoid the 5-10%
- You can buy items that would otherwise be a pain to get such as quest items, low level gear, and whatever else you don't want to go search for.
-You can sell items that may have some value but would be difficult to sell rather than dropping them
-Monsters that have a large drop table would be more popular because it will be easier to sell the wide variety of drops without spending hours looking for people to buy each item
-Although flipping may be difficult it is still possible with the use of the new GE, and it will certainly still exist outside of it.
-If you have the funds, any item can be bought easily
30-Mar-2014 21:27:40