That's an example of there being no sense of time in runescape. Sharks can be eaten eventually and trees do regrow eventually. I do think the GE should allow half pies to buy and sell though.
The way Jagex would think of this is that smushing two pie parts together wouldn't be so humorous when taking it that its principle purpose was to add convenience.
Bend NE
The way Jagex would think of this is that smushing two pie parts together wouldn't be so humorous when taking it that its principle purpose was to add convenience.
it doesn't really need a message in the chat box, i think it would pass if it was polled
click this ->
Support. I've done this in real life, you just put the slices in the same pie dish lol idk why people think this defies logic. As if runescape follows real logic in the first place. You can combine pizza, and it doesn't even have a pan! It just is a whole pizza now by magic!
2007 Teleport Animations
Adventurer's Names
Support. I've done this in real life, you just put the slices in the same pie dish lol idk why people think this defies logic. As if runescape follows real logic in the first place. You can combine pizza, and it doesn't even have a pan! It just is a whole pizza now by magic!