Suggestion: Make potions decantable by Bob Barter in F2P worlds.
Currently the Herblore NPC at the Grand Exchange is present in F2P worlds, but cannot note potions. I'm hoping this is possibly an oversight and not a conscious design choice.
When OSRS released, there was no GE, no Bob Barter, strength potions were the only F2P potion, and UIM did not exist.
Now, the GE and Bob Barter have been in the game for almost a decade, and F2P has access to antipoison and energy potions as well.
Point being, there wasn't really a purpose in Bob being able to decant potions in F2P before, but now there is. P2P UIMs can use Bob as a way to essentially note their potion doses. It does not seem game breaking for F2P UIMs to be able to note doses of strength/energy potions; the ability to create bone fragments for the Skull Sceptre was a much more meta shaking change than this would be. It would still be hyper inefficient to gather the resources for the potions as an F2P UIM, but being able to note doses would at least make it conceivably viable to use strength potions for training, or energy potions for whatever.
Would love to see a response on this either way!
03-Aug-2023 19:30:11