I suggest that we should be able to imbue the Regen bracelet with NMZ points to change its effect from doubling hp regeneration to
it. This would be great for Dharoking, particularly in the Nightmare Zone, where Absorbtion potions disallow using the Dwarven rock cake to bring your hp back down to 1 for maximum xp/hr and Absorbtion efficiency (without using up all of your doses of Absorbtion). The only way to keep your hp at 1 while maintaining Absorbtion is currently to flick Rapid Heal before a minute passes and hp regenerates naturally, and this becomes very tedious over time, especially as a brief afk to get a snack or something will often soil your hard work despite rushing back.
This would add a bit of nice flair as well as encourage semi-afk Dharoking in the Nightmare Zone for training rather than the controversial 99%-afk Guthaning.
14-Aug-2015 21:05:47