- Incentivize KO’s: Reward players with substantially more points for defeating their opponent while their opponent still has food left in their inventory - possibly scaling up with each piece of food/brew that is left. This will make fights more exciting; encouraging players to take more risks and not simply DD/outlast their opponent. A simpler alternative to this is to just give players more points the faster they kill their opponent. This also makes my next point, adding edge style fights, a more viable option.
- Two Fighting Styles: Allow players to pick between two separate fighting styles -- Honor or No Honor. Honorable fights (i.e. edge/ge style pking) will prohibit the use of overhead protection prayers, as well as freezes/entangles. I believe it is absolutely necessary that the PVP Arena includes this style of fighting as it is arguably the most popular style of PVP and is without a doubt the best way to introduce new players to PVP. Incentivizing KO’s in this style will be pivotal as to not just have stale death matches without risking HP. Limiting the amount of food in each players inventory could also help these fights end faster. No honor fights will be the overhead tribrid fights that are currently in place. These fights should earn more points than the honorable ones as the kills will most likely take longer and the learning curve/degree of difficulty is also higher. But both must heavily incentivize KO’ing the opponent.
- Wager Matches: Allow players who have obtained a high level of prestige in the PVP Arena to wager GP against other players. There could be matchmaking presets of 250k, 500k,1m,10m, and so on. This gives newer players something to work towards and experienced PVP Arena players incentive to continue returning. This system of a prestige requirement (along with a total level and time played) could also be used to give players tradable/profitable rewards - if said requirements are enough to deter abuse.
22-Mar-2022 20:03:36