The three types of thralls one can summon for each combat style seems a little redundant considering the mechanics of their attacks. Currently, they do not have to pass an accuracy check. This makes it pointless to select a specific thrall based off of a monsters weakness. I understand that selecting a specific thrall does have a use case when a monster exhibits a type immunity, but for the vast majority of monsters the zombie thrall will always be inferior due to its restriction to melee range, and there is no point in choosing between the other two.
In order to clean up the Arceuus spellbook a bit, I suggest one type of thrall that uses some form of type-less attack at a range. That, or it could be very fun to code in some form of accuracy check that perhaps scales with the monster's combat level or defense level with an increase of max hit to maintain a similar damage output. This way, there is a decision to be made between which thrall gives one the greatest advantage against a monsters specific weaknesses. It might also be fun to make the ghostly thrall have a higher attack range, but a weaker attack. Conversely, the zombie thrall could have a more powerful attack. That way, one must consider which thrall gives one the greatest tactical advantage weighed against the advantage of raw power for different situations.
I feel these changes would incorporate the old-school spirit better than these thralls' current mechanics. I hope you'll consider reworking these, as they are such a brilliant addition to the game, but fail to provide much additional strategy besides picking your favorite out of the two that can attack from a distance.
31-Jul-2021 19:53:05