I believe we should add an increased chopping rate to the magic logs within the wilderness resource area. I think it should be unlocked upon completion of the wilderness elite diaries
Can you all please add an accept button alongside the dismiss button on random events??? It's so frustrating to get a random event that I want to do while I'm doing slayer, and the monsters are still aggressive, so I can't just run away to do the chat. It's really frustrating, and I've already missed out on several event opportunities! A simple accept event button would be so helpful! Thanks guys, you all are the best!
Could we add one more step of account security in the form of a trade pin. Like a bank pin but for trades? So in case 2fa fails hackers can’t take your work equipment. My brother was hacked and the BIS melee Vorkath gear is all gone. (I lent him a few gp for it, that’s why I’m here) I know the items are gone and I’m not looking for sympathy but after playing this game for 10-15 years it still astounds me that company so strict on using 3rd party software, literally says I need third party software to keep my account safe. Any way my suggestion is a trade pin or ask for the bank pin before trades..
Could we add one more step of account security in the form of a trade pin. Like a bank pin but for trades? So in case 2fa fails hackers can’t take your work equipment. My brother was hacked and the BIS melee Vorkath gear is all gone. (I lent him a few gp for it, that’s why I’m here) I know the items are gone and I’m not looking for sympathy but after playing this game for 10-15 years it still astounds me that company so strict on using 3rd party software, literally says I need third party software to keep my account safe. Any way my suggestion is a trade pin or ask for the bank pin before trades..
Can you please sometime change the 15% less drain rate if the ring of endurance too activate even when the ring is fully uncharged or otherwise the ring of endurance will be not used too it full potential. It be better that way rather than needing 500 stamina pots (4) just too activate it. Because it almost cost 60m and that in it self should be more than a reason too automatically active 15% less drain rate even when fully uncharged.
Can you please sometime change the 15% less drain rate if the ring of endurance too activate even when the ring is fully uncharged or otherwise the ring of endurance will be not used too it full potential. It be better that way rather than needing 500 stamina pots (4) just too activate it. Because it almost cost 60m and that in it self should be more than a reason too automatically active 15% less drain rate even when fully uncharged.