Long press would create a background highlight on menus with numerous options:
I do not know if anyone else has suggested this yet. 900+ messages is a lot to read through for some small like I'm thinking of. If it has delete this message please.
I have been playing a lot of OSRS on mobile. I have to say i love it. But something that has repeatedly come up is when I am selecting from menu options in things like the Report Player menu. Or the various teleportation menus brought about by rubbing enchanted jewelry. Ring of wealth, amulet of glory, ring of dueling, etc. I do occasionally misclick because I believe i have one option selected but in reality I have another selected. There is no way to tell what i have selected apart from what I don't until after I've committed to the action.
For teleporting around this is little more than a nuisance. For reporting the RNG bots I fear i could be sending invalid reports which may lead to the bots not being addressed as swiftly.
What I propose as a simple soultion is to create a highlight in the background of the menu. If i were to select al kharid from the amulet of glory while long pressing the background would be highlighted in a bar around it in the off yellow color that is used for just about every other highlight in the game. Thus definitely showing what i am selecting. The same would apply to the report menu options and any other menu that is deemed fit for such.
I don't know much about coding, and i know adding something small like this which is commonplace in a lot of servers, sites, and games could be quite the hassle for the RS legacy codes. But if it seems like something doable I think it would be a considerably useful quality of life update.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
21-Apr-2019 16:15:52