Now me and my dear friend Jay agreed that it's tad illogical matter to require container to be made out higher quality wood to store more items into it. I'm obviously speaking(in a figure of speaking/typing[whateverelse!]) about the storage objects you can build/unpack in your home sweet home hotspots. I'd very much like to stick to oak style in all my decoration, but i'd rather have resourcefulness at fullest as well and bucket!
This is where i'm to suggest to make it so that the space certain storage items hold rely on your Construction level, unmattering weither you had carved outta oak or teak or above so on...
So an adventurer of level 42 Construction could indeed put that blastering mahogany chest in their house by buying the pack from other players that have bothered to make it, but no they would be limited to store as much as at their level oak chest would. Yes? Yes!
30-Nov-2017 20:20:17