OSRS Team,
Reguarding the Rev Caves a few friends and myself have debating ways to make this better. obviously, by now, you've noticed people (pkers) are unhappy about this update. This community can be childish about benefiting other types of players. Skillers don't want to benefit pkers, and pkers dont want to benefit skillers. we think that we found a descent way to kindof offset this imbalance. Kalphite Queen is a good "boss" to kill. your average player can get 2-3 kills an inventory with average gear. if you increase your gear, you perform better in the lair, potentially getting another kill or atleast like a dwh spec before you tele out. (idea being the better gear you bring, the longer you can stay and the more worth your trip is.) why not make the rev's like this? make them difficult to kill in rag gear, increasing the desire/necessity to bring an increased risk to increase gp/hr at the rev's. its a bit crazy you can kill a little imp and make bank in rag gear. im sure the drop tables will be changed in the near future already, but if you made the rev's do unavoidable damage so that people have to bank, they will be more comfortable risking. i would risk more money knowing that i only have to be in danger for 5 minutes, opposed to being able to stay forever. this not only increases the desire/need for people that want to kill revs to wear descent gear, potentially risking a 4th item to smite etc. but it will also increase the quality of the rev area. you wont have low combat people (eventually bots will run that place.) in d'hide and addy full helms making bank loot. keeping the content semi-difficult and non-afkable not only makes it hard for bots to do, but increases the "quality" of people at the caves. i think this would make pvmers and pkers happy. more open revs because they aren't as easy to kill - and better loot from the people that actually go there. copying the harambes is also a descent idea. increasing the required gear to kill one.
24-Nov-2017 12:35:49