Numb Mayhem
Hello, I would absolutely love to see the return of "Bolas". Please Give this some consideration... 15 yr veteran here = ) love osrs btw
Your post doesn't add anything to the topic either as it's flaming another users post.
When the day becomes the night and the sky becomes the sea, when the clock strikes heavy and there’s no time for tea; and in our darkest hour, before my final rhyme, she will come back home to Wonderland and turn back the hands of time.
Still at certain times of the day the motherlode mine seems crowded. I have plenty of nuggets with no use and I was wondering if they could be used to build more ladders to the second floor. For example, nobody uses the spot over the bank chest because it takes time to get there. With more ladders bought with nuggets you wouldn't have to add any more ore veins.
Thank you.
19-Oct-2017 15:24:05
- Last edited on
19-Oct-2017 15:24:30
Not sure if this has been issued in the past but could you please make some changes on marble gargoyles, more specifically on their purple special attacks. The attack is barely noticeable even when fully concentrated and causes serious damage. Could the small and faded bolts be modified into something a little more visible (brighter colours etc.)?
Make Player Killing quest for those who wish to enter the Wilderness. or/and if ditch poll wont pass, show and tell the community what alternative options you have in mind for ditch. Because people don't know what they are voting for otherwise.
Player since 2005
Make 1b,
make music, watch videos, make videos, enjoy all aspects of life
Please add the right click option "Kiss" to the frog prince/princess in the random event. If you get the event while under attack by many npcs in a multi combat area it is impossible to go through the dialogue fast enough. The Varrock clothes shop has lost too many customers because of this.