My first small suggestion, is a Bounty Hunter/Wilderness suggestion, since disconnect is a big problem with no near solution in sight, maybe the BH world and couple other worlds could be a +1 item world, where you protect 1 item no matter what, if you have the 25 prayer, or just protect 1 item period if that is too hard to code, and then more people might find the wilderness more interesting if they dont need to worry about getting disconnected, maybe 1 of each type of server, NA, UK, German servers.
Also another suggestion is for a Free 2 Play Bounty Hunter world, with the upcoming mobile osrs coming up, it would make free to play more exciting to new player wave we are going to get, and gives free to play something interesting
My next suggestion is kind of a question but also suggestion, maybe we could get Damage Soaking into the game? would also help balance pvp abit as with all the new items coming out damage per second is rising, and in 2010 it was added to runescape 2 because "" This update was designed to rectify an imbalance between the potential damage per minute (DPM) and damage capacity (DC) of higher-level players. The rate of damage dealt at high combat levels was far superior to the rate of damage that could be withstood with certain armours and prayers, especially when in a multiplayer environment. "" quote from the wiki
I Defaintly believe rs2 was in the right direction with damage soak and the soulsplit prayer to heal, the current meta is just pray flicking and it would open up more options for you guys to develop stuff
My last small suggestion is a buff to a clue scroll reward, you guys added the tankard that makes you stand swaying, i was wondering if you guys could add a stand still animation to the Adamant Cane, Black Cane, Dragon Cane clue reward, like in runescape 3 theres a cane that you lean on from the squeel of fortune, you guys have already proved you can do things like this so if its possible on this engine could you consider doing
29-Sep-2017 00:46:13