Official Client improvements:
With all of the controversy surrounding the osbuddy/osbuddy pro client, I figured why not add some of the features of osbuddy into the official old school client, since we have so many players using that client despite all of the warnings. Now, I know not all of the features would be feasible or fair to other players, but some like the max hit indicator, timers(e.g. prayer runout, potion effects, boosts, etc) or a bar that displays the number of hitpoints your enemy in battle has left and not just the green/red bar. I could go on and on about some of the good and bad features of this unofficial client.
If just a few of those features were included in the official client, there wouldn't be as many players wanting to use osbuddy just for those features and would bring out far more use in the official client.
12-Jul-2017 19:26:41