Having a system where you could have a partner in Ironman. Allowing you to play with a good friend but still have the challenges of going through the game with them and only them. I really feel like this would put a nice spin to the Ironman gameplay, which is something I truly love. Maybe, have a party system in the tutorial island that allows you to pick a partner from there. This would mean you and your partner would have to start at the same time, and not give any new Ironmen an advantage by partnering with one who is already far ahead.
As of right now, my friend and I have made new accounts, non-Ironman, with the promise to not trade with anyone other than each other. However, this is still not perfect because it still leaves the ability to pick up other drops, and leaves no real reward like a simple icon next to our names. Looking from the outside, people see us as inexperienced, when in reality we have been playing this game for 10 years each.
I would love to see something like this implemented, and I know there would be a lot of other people who would enjoy it as well.
18-Feb-2017 02:19:57