Fixing the safe zone scam on PvP worlds
One problem I have noticed on PvP worlds is a form of scamming at banks, in which the scammer conducts a trade in a limited safe zone (such as the Lumbridge bank or Shantay Pass), in which the victim is pulled out of the safe zone due to the position of the scammer on the edge of the safe area; and the victim is attacked and killed, losing his or her cash stack. It's similar to Wilderness luring. I have seen this nasty trick pulled a number of times, and despite it being technically legitimate; it is still in very poor taste. I feel that some sort of update to make the safe zones larger would rectify this problem. One example would be to make the entire top floor of Lumbridge castle a safe zone to eliminate the possibility of luring someone out of the bank, and would need to climb down the stairs to fight. Or making the entire Shantay Pass a safe zone as opposed to just three squares. I'm confident that measures like this would drastically reduce the number of safe zone lures on PvP worlds, and while of course not trading on a PvP world would be the best prevention, it still serves the greater good to all but nip this trick in the bud. Or maybe, add some sort of warning when trading on a PvP world that it may be a trick and to think twice before proceeding.
P.S. To anyone who is opposed to an idea like this, you're probably one of those scumbags who likes pulling this stunt. In that case, you're the reason why a measure like this is needed.
Thank you for reading!
04-Feb-2017 16:24:33