A lot of rs3 players confuse the OSRS forums for rs3 forums where they post rs3 related items on the "Old school RuneScape Marketplace" sections. The subheadings for OSRS are "Armour and Weapons" while rs3 subheading is "Weapons & Armour." I feel like people just use the ctrl + f function to find the key word "armour" and both are basically labelled the same, and as a result, the osrs sections are flooded with players posting rs3 related items for buy and sell. When you click the subheading too, the title for that particular forum also just says "Armour and Weapons," giving no indication that it's for old school offers.
Quick easy fix:
Put "old school" at the beginning of the title. Now when they find the keyword, if the osrs section pops up first, they will see it as "Old school: Armour and Weapons" and when you click on it, the title above the forum posts should also include the words "old school," otherwise it's still easy to confuse, especially with all the previous rs3 confused players posting in the osrs forums.
23-Nov-2016 01:46:32