Suggestion: Two dedicated worlds, one for Ironman/woman and one for Ultimate Ironman/woman.
Why: Well, it would be similar to the worlds for skill total 1500/1750/2000 but for strictly ironmen/women. Making it easier to get into contact with like minded individuals, it also helps share strategies and tactics also while avoiding the nuisance of pvp battles against non ironmen/women. Also it may free up some training spots/bosses.
However I'm not sure if this is needed or how difficult it would be to implement, but it would be a nice thing to see a world with other ironmen/women. where we can fight dragons in peace without the level 60 pure clans coming to clean out our hard earned dragon bones.
in addition, maybe on those worlds lets ironmen/women pvp with each other and you can pick up items from killing other ironmen/women, once again pvp may become toxic, but its harder for an ironman to make a good pure vs a regular player making a pure. But I think it would definitely become interesting to see.
the only guy on the forums to believe fire making is the most useful skill
Suggestion: official clans.
Make a clan interface like in rs3
It would be a boost to the social aspect of runescape and i remember when the update came in the old runescape (now rs3) that it was a lot of fun to be part of a clan.
This would result in epic clan battles, team bossing and having fun with your friends in runescape.
I just want to say: making clans official and intigrated in runescape realy brings people together. This is an update for everyone, from pure clans to clans of mains.
An option to drop all of an item would be very useful. That way when trying to power level you could drop all of an item, ie: iron ore, salmon, weeds. Maybe use it as the third right click option for any typical item. I just think if you can save 40+ clicks per inventory it could really help out. Maybe a toggle switch to let you drop all of an item instead of just one would be helpful, either way I'm sure people understand.
could we possibly get a ranged weapon that stuns movement. similar to bolas. this could even just be a new type of arrow with a blunt tip or bludgeon to stun momentarily or stop movement for 4-7 seconds, this arrow would do no damage.
Cannonballs should be updated. They are slower then anything smithing wise to make (2 mins 30+ an inv!?) and give 11 less exp per drop. They should be one or the other, slower or less exp, not both. Can we maybe change it?
Would it be possible to create a dual-ironman mode in which we could create an ironman/woman account and enable trading and the ability to perform activities together with one other ironman account? This would open up more activities to the "ironman" way of play, such as Corporeal Beast and God Wars and also make this self-sufficient type of play more appealing to pairs of friends. In the event that one account is terminated or the player quits, you could simply enable trading with a
dual ironman account and
remove the previous account. I feel this would also appeal to more casual players looking for a way to play self-sufficiently.
Could we look into making the books more similar stat wise or completly identical. Whether that means swapping the stats of one to match the other or giving them the missing (Attack or Defence) Bonuses that they are missing to match one another. Making them match their respective armours and making the only difference between the two purely Cosmetic
Much like what was done with Zulrah items and being able to break them down into scales, can we get the option to break the book down into a certain number of burnt pages
With all the new items for the helmet slot, DFH is becoming more and more of dead content. Can we look into giving it a possible buff in stats? Maybe a small defence boost along with some Strength bonus?