Pest Control minigame is being played less and less. Nobody likes to grind anything but voids there even tho there is sweet xp rewards, herb and coal bags etc. + your getting coins every game (maybe some sweet new rewards)
So my idea is that slayer masters could assign Pest Control games as a task. Getting voids woudnt be so pain in the ***, coz you know that your getting slayer exp too.
08-Jul-2016 17:06:35
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08-Jul-2016 17:09:42
Currently the Herb sack has its "Check" and "Empty" options in opposite places to the Gem bag. I would like to see this changed to make the Herb sack more consistent with the Gem bag, having the "Check" option under "Fill", and the "Empty" option above "Destroy".
Also, I would like to have an "Empty all" option for the Gem bag, rather than having to empty each gem type individually.
What do people think about having a payment method available for your herb patches? I was thinking you could do something like paying with the previous level of herb for the one you are growing. Examples: pay 3 Guam for marrentill, 4 marrentill for tarromin....and soo on.
Also, what about having higher level cannon balls? We got steel that do max of 30, why not have mithril that do 32, adamant do 34, rune do 36, and dragon(monster drop) that do 40.
Before the grimy herbs update, we harvested pre-identified herbs. We now harvest grimy herbs that must be cleaned. I would like to see an unlockable perk where the player automatically cleans herbs when harvesting. This would give both farming and herblore experience.
Would anyone like to see a Dragon kill log list similar to how slayer helms have a kill log list. Would you like this attached to an item in game such as a dfs or anti-dragon shield? Also would you like to see some kind of reward like a chest with it's own drop table once you kill x amount of dragons, for instance 1k kc on every dragon in game give you one of these chests. What rewards would be good enough to kill that many dragons?
To polish off the ranger set: A kit used with your ava's device to change the appearance to a Quiver with the same color scheme. Would have been nice in the TT update, but elsewhere would be nice.
So we all like collecting pets right? How about while skilling or killing(with the required skillcape) there is a chance to drop a bobble you could attatch to your cape somehow. i.e. a larupia to drape over your hunter cape shoulder, some nice shoulder plates to go over your shoulder for defense, etc. It would bring some diversity to the bland skill capes as well as compliment the new skill cape hoods from treasure trails.
Coffer offer option to paid services. I feel the need for privileged players to avoid having to carry coins around RuneScape for services such as boat charters, cart rides, carpet rides, etc. For example, there could be the option to input x amount of coins and deduce the coins in the coffer to pay for their service rather than having to always carry coins around for this. Saving a spare inventory spot and potential having people forget about bringing coins.