There should be something similar to an altar for player owned houses that restores energy. I think it could be called like a fountain of youth or fountain of restoration; something along those lines. Could require like 55-60 construction. Not sure why, but I think a fountain is a good idea.
Please make it possible to change between the books from "Horror from the deep" without filling the pages. I made a mistake and took Zamorak (really expensive tp fill with pages) book and now I can't change it without filling it. Some other people have this same issue.
A map function, plain and simple. Maybe it becomes more detailed as you discover these areas, or even starts off blank with a fog of war type effect and you essentially finish it by going everywhere. Either way, giving directions to new people gets old fast for a game that should just have a map.
Hi can you make a more efficient mage/range boost? maybe make it untradable via herblore? seems a bit unfair that melee has super pots but others have to stick with standards