Here's 3 main pking world, all of them are from US servers. It would be nice to have at least one of those changed back to UK server, so people from europe could actually pk without 2-3 seconds delay!
PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MAKE IT SO YOU LOSE VOID ON DEATH. Because its so op and they risk less then pures they 1 item in fally pvp worlds void in wild is ruining pking
PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MAKE IT SO YOU LOSE VOID ON DEATH. Because its so op and they risk less then pures they 1 item in fally pvp worlds void in wild is ruining pking
keep continuing after clicking on "Click here to continue" from a level up.
( like cooking on a low level, I have to use my food on the fire again everytime i leveled up.)
keep continuing after clicking on "Click here to continue" from a level up.
( like cooking on a low level, I have to use my food on the fire again everytime i leveled up.)