RS Name:
Type of Ironman:
Total Level:
How long have you played Runescape for?:
15 years +
Goals on Runescape?:
70crafting(amulet of power) ,rune kiteshield, for now 1000+ total and 100combat level would be cool
Favorite skill?:
ranged / mining
Least favorite skill?:
Do you agree to follow all of the rules?:
yes, ofcours
Time Zone:
CET, i think
How did you find out about us?:
searched in google for a osrs f2p ironman clan and found this forum..then entered the cc to see if it was active. decided to apply.
Why do you want to join?:
i mainly only play runescape on my f2p uim and i didn't have many ingame friends and felt kinda lonely, funny but its true tough. i kinda wished there was a clan like this. so i decided to look and see if there was. so mainly for the social interaction
Tell us something about yourself:
im 31 years old and have played runescape since i was like 13-14. i am a casual rs player. i don't have a vast knowledge off the game and im not a very hardcore player. so i don't usually set very high ingame goals as i like to just play and relax. i pay no mind to the highscores or anything of that nature. im not competitive, im just here to have some fun and relaxing gameplay. meanwhile socializing and chatting it up with likeminded people.