I could've done this a while ago not sure why I haven't
Please fill out this application (copy + paste), and a Clan Leader will review your application soon. Feel free to join our CC “F2P IM Clan”, too!
RS Name: ThisAintEasy
Type of Ironman: 0 Quest Point Grey Helm
Total Level: 699 +
How long have you played Runescape for?: 8 years, about 4 months on this account
Goals on Runescape?: Amulet of Power, top 100 on f2p iron highscores in a skill, 85+ combat, kill lots of bryophyta and obor
Favorite skill?: HP
Least favorite skill?: Woodcutting Firemaking
Do you agree to follow all of the rules?: Yes
Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time (US)
How did you find out about us?: Another ironman told me about the cc a while ago I've been in there for a while.
Why do you want to join?: To have a greater role in the clan chat, F2P Iron community
Tell us something about yourself: I am left handed but can use a right handed chisel.
04-May-2019 06:35:08