- Runescape Name: Rahimske
- Total Level: 2096 (will be 2100 in under 5 days from now - April 15, 2021)
- Around how many hours will you play a week, on average: Currently 60-100 hours. Usually average around 40-50 during busy months.
- Would you be able to use Discord: Yes.
- Best accomplishment on your account: Getting rank 1 weekly hunter xp gained on TempleOSRS under 'Current Xp' during late March 2021 (around 8.3m xp gained in one week).
- Current Goal(s): Max total, then 200m cooking, fletching, thieving, hunter, agility and any other skill I find enjoyable after that.
- Where did you hear about us? Often see Karibola on W496 and was curious, looked her up and saw she was in this clan. Then looked more into this clan and was impressed by how friendly and accomplished everyone seems to be. I consider myself friendly and outgoing and very goal oriented, which I believe will make me fit right in with likeminded individuals in this clan.
More about me if you are curious:
Name: Andrew
Country: Canada
Age: 28
How long I've been playing Runescape: On and off since 2004.
How long I've been playing old school: Started in 2013 but quit my main account. Made this account in 2018 and have been playing on and off on it (due to school reasons). Now that I'm finished school, I plan on focusing on work and OSRS.
15-Apr-2021 19:00:01