Runescape Username: XpsychosisX
Any previous RSN: Magicain137
Do you have Discord (Do not put here):Yes I have one (I think this is the answer you're looking for)
Combat Level: 123
Total Level: 1944
Favorite Boss: Barrows
Favorite Skill: Slayer
Timezone: Eastern
Activity Level:
(Hours per day, Days per week): Highly varies based upon academic load of the week. For hours per day I usually play around 6 when I have nothing crazy going on. On average for days per week I'm only daily for dailies at the bare minimum.
Current Goals:
Just to have fun, I enjoy group pvm or group activities.
Previous Clans:
I haven't been in any clans since the release of old-school runescape, I unfortunately don't remember the names of any prior due to how long its been.
Reasons for Leaving:
I primarily quit when evolution of combat came out; and as a result lost touch.
How did you find us?:
Word of mouth via a newer member LokeyGarbage
What makes you want to join?:
I was told its a fairly active clan and I enjoy hanging out with people and socializing with the same members when doing activities, I feel its less awkward and a more rewarding relationship.
Why should we choose you?:
I fulfill what I believe your looking for which is splitting loots, not being rude, being laid back, hard requirements, interactive, and a genuine interest to participate in the clan and try out membership within it.
What is the most important thing to you when joining a clan?:
I would say the members, I enjoy finding people that are fun to play the game around.
Brief Bio:
My account is a generalized main that is primarily interested in pvm when actively playing and skilling whenever I'm watching netflix or studying. I'm willing to learn/participate in a extremely large majority of content with the only notable exemption being within the wilderness (I don't like rev caves, wilderness bosses, or pking). Whenever bossing I prefer to do split-style loots than free for all unless stated prior.
15-Jan-2021 08:53:58