Runescape Username: TheSoupScoop
Any previous RSN: N/A
Do you have Discord (Do not put here): Yes
Combat Level: 119
Total Level: 1848
Favorite Boss: CoX
Favorite Skill: Farming or Slayer
Timezone: EST
Activity Level
(Hours per day, Days per week): Few hours a day most days a week
Current Goals: Looking for a NICE drop rn. Then finishing DS2 after a few quests.
Previous Clans: Bloodoath Reavers (Waaaay long ago)
Reasons for Leaving: I quit playing and they stopped existing
How did you find us?: RS Forums
What makes you want to join?: Need reliable people to go bossing with and a fun environment
Why should we choose you?: I'm on pretty regularly trying to do high level content. I'm fun to be around.
What is the most important thing to you when joining a clan?: Respect and morale. And I don't tolerate racism whatsoever.
Brief Bio: Been playing RS since around 03-04. Played OSRS with a few hiatus but always make my way back. I run a painting operation. I smoke and play games in my free time. Other favorite games are anything Nintendo. Particularly LoZ and Pokemon.
15-Sep-2021 04:00:57