Any previous RSN: yes but it's been so long I can't even remember what it was
Do you have Discord (Do not put here): yes
Combat Level: 124
Total Level: 1883
Favorite Boss: any gwd
Favorite Skill: farming/slayer
Timezone: Eastern
Activity Level
(Hours per day, Days per week): varies 10-20 hrs per week
Current Goals: I just got back into the game, been playing HCIM and I want to fund my HCIM with bonds through my main.
Previous Clans: cant remember
Reasons for Leaving: stopped playing rs
How did you find us?: forum search
What makes you want to join?: looking for a group of good/honest people to boss with
Why should we choose you?: I will tank when you need me to (gwd)
What is the most important thing to you when joining a clan?: Maturity and trust
Brief Bio: I don't have all of my max gear anymore, I'm looking to rebuild my main while funding my HCIM with bonds. Just looking for a community of trustworthy people to do that with.