Runescape Username: TSN REFLEX
Any previous RSN: burrninja
Do you have Discord (Do not put here): yes
Combat Level: 125
Total Level: 19
Favorite Boss: cox
Favorite Skill: slayer
Timezone: cst
Activity Level
(Hours per day, Days per week):5 days a week
Current Goals: 99 range and mage
Previous Clans: beasty569
Reasons for Leaving: dishonest clan, more social than pvm
How did you find us?: forums
What makes you want to join?: the ability to find people of any and all levels to pvm with, along with the clan being US based is extremely nice.
Why should we choose you?: im willing to help in any way possible along with always looking for pvm partners
What is the most important thing to you when joining a clan?: activity, support, and people willing to make progress.
Brief Bio: im 25, and enjouy learning new bosses and teaching others bosses that i alrady know, im always looking for someone to run cox, gwd or corp with. thank you for your time and consideration, and i hope to hear back soon
17-Mar-2021 18:02:11