Runescape Username: Metakarta
Past Usernames: none / Metakarta
Time Zone: PST
Your Combat Level: 97 (will be 100 within a day or two of posting this)
Your Magic Level: 76
Your Range Level: 77
Your Prayer Level: 70
Your Total Level: 1352
Highest Combat Skill and It's Level: 80 str
Highest Non-Combat Skill and It's Level: 70 crafting
How did you find out about us: Long time friend Anders Enga after i came back to osrs he told me about the clan.
If you were recruited by someone, who: Anders Enga
Why do you want to join us: Im looking for an a clan that is as social as possible, including pvm / raids once my account is built up for it.
Previous clans: None on osrs but a longtime member of exalted experience on rs3
Will you Stay Active in the Clan Chat: Very
Will you regularly view and bump this thread: Yes
Will you do your best to attend events and meetings: Yes
Do you swear to uphold the Omerta and our rules: Yes
12-Jul-2018 19:48:33