Runescape Username: I Mosey I
Past Usernames: JamieFinch
Time Zone: GMT 7 Mountain
Your Combat Level: 83
Your Magic Level: 93
Your Range Level: 87
Your Prayer Level: 52
Your Total Level: 1437
Highest Combat Skill and It's Level: Magic 93
Highest Non-Combat Skill and It's Level: 99s in Fletching and Cooking
How did you find out about us: Met Glor in GE one time
If you were recruited by someone, who: ^
Why do you want to join us: I attended some gatherings and events without being part of the family, but I was treated like I already was.
Previous clans: PoP, sF
Will you Stay Active in the Clan Chat: always am!
Will you regularly view and bump this thread: often as possible
Will you do your best to attend events and meetings: don't have to tell me twice!
08-Aug-2017 07:14:07