Runescape User Name: Plant Scape
Any Alt accounts?: None that I'm currently playing
Age?: 29
How long have you played Runescape?: Oh God. So long. '05?
What timezone are you in?: EST
What specific type of events do you enjoy?: MINIGAMES
Highest skill?: Combats and Firemaking
Why do you want to join the clan?: I'm a mobile player so pretty
frustrating to press/// constantly
Haha. Semi-jokes aside, I'd like to make some friends I can casually commiserate with.
What can you bring to Socialscape?: Humor, Charm, game knowledge, help,
I'm respectful and considerate, and as active as I can be.
How did you find out about the clan?:
Did you read the clan rules?: Yessir
What colour was the Kebbit?: Purple
23-Jan-2023 17:10:48