Runescape User Name: OAT DILF
Any Alt accounts?: No
Age?: 31
How long have you played Runescape?: Used to play all the time back in 2004-2006, then got back into it in 2022. Have been playing for about 6 months now.
What timezone are you in?: EST
What specific type of events do you enjoy?: PVM, Skilling, PVP
Highest skill?: Cooking - 78
Why do you want to join the clan?: Been looking for some social buds to play with. It's not the same as it used to be back in 2006; missing the community aspect of it!
What can you bring to Socialscape?: I'm online everyday (some days AFK skilling, some days questing lots), and I'm looking to build my character up and have some fun with friends. Just want to bring some humour and friendship to it all.
How did you find out about the clan?: Forums
Did you read the clan rules?: Sure did
What colour was the Kebbit?: Purple
02-Jan-2023 20:22:57