Username: Mr Skaz
Previous usernames: Crazy In Two
Alternate account usernames: N/A
Combat Level: 121
Do you have all of the entry level requirements or higher?
Timezone: MT
What is your PVM skill level? (delete non applicable)
186 CoX
2 CoX CM
5 ToB
Vork, Zulrah, Aby Sire, Cerb
How did you find out clan?
OSRS Forums
Name of previous clan: Coin Vault
Reason for leaving previous clan: Other clan members were toxic and rude during raiding.
The clan was also very cliquey, players only played with certain people.
To your knowledge, do you appear on the WDR, RuneWatch or any other blacklist?
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?:
Cool calm collected gamer, looking for like minded people! Someone to help me get into ToB a bit more would be sweet.
Do you agree to abide by all of the clan rules?
09-Jul-2022 04:18:06