Username: BuffManChad
Previous usernames: Kay 9 Kane, PigeonCager
Alternate account usernames: None
Combat Level: 126
Do you have all of the entry level requirements or higher?
Timezone: USA Central
If no, are you currently doing a Scythe/Twisted Bow rebuild?
Non Applicable
What is your PVM skill level? (delete non applicable)
Bandos, Saradomin, Zamorak, Armadyl, Corporeal Beast
CoX, Nightmare, Nex
CoX CM, Toa
How did you find out clan? (delete non applicable)
OSRS Forums
Name of previous clan: Rad Pvm, Exodius Pvm,
Reason for leaving previous clan: They were not very active for Pvm, Just looking for a clan that does Toa/cox often or semi often.
To your knowledge, do you appear on the WDR, RuneWatch or any other blacklist?
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?: I work a lot irl and have a kid so I am pretty busy. But I would be on for a few hours each night and weekends to do some raids!
Do you agree to abide by all of the clan rules?
16-Jan-2023 20:07:36