¸¸.•´¯¥¯`•.,¸¸,.•´¨`•-» |+| Application To Join Aus Home |+| «-•´¨`•.,¸¸,.•´¯¥¯`•.¸¸
Runescape Name: Nobbs
Total Level: 1500
Combat Level: 90
What are your current and future goals in Runescape: Enjoy myself and get to high level bossing in osrs
Where are you from? (state or country): Canterbury, New Zealand
Why do you want to join Aus Home: You're good lads
How did you find out about us (Players name who invited: Aus Home
Previous clans - Reasons for leaving, if any: Mewtants, have moved from rs3 to osrs so need a new clan.
Are you willing to download Discord and join our Server: Yes
Bonus info: I did actually fill one of these out of the 16th of October before I was aware of the 1500 total req <3
14-Nov-2019 10:29:33