Runescape Name: Rawrmower
Total Level: 2071 (Woooooo 2k total!!! Yiiiiew)
Combat Level: 124
What are your current and future goals in Runescape: Teach Tux how to not plank in cox and support my fellow gay tradies in their future endeavors and rank ups within the cc.
Where are you from? (state or country): Aus
Why do you want to join Aus Home: To have lots of fun and put my power point making and presentation skills into action!
How did you find out about us (Players name who invited: Sunhat, Enquire and Corena
Previous clans - Reasons for leaving, if any: on counter strike: source
Are you willing to download Discord and join our Server: I was in there once, hoping to get back into the promised land and stay there.
17-Feb-2019 04:41:39
- Last edited on
17-Feb-2019 04:42:18