Display Name: Current name * softyirong * , but i am better known as cranixy
Slayer XP: 15,6m xp.
Total Level: 2178.
Do you meet all of our entry requirements: ye
How did you find out about SlayStars: Just randomly scrolled on forum, and saw my friend * Zam * in it ,so i applied !
What are your current and future goals in RuneScape: Currently working on infernal cape, but also plan to max.
How often do you play: Around 5-6h everyday. Came back to osrs 1 w ago, took a 1-2y break from osrs. I were raiding hardcore in another mmo called ffxiv meanwhile.
Do you agree to join our Discord server (Rule #17): Yes.
Why do you want to join SlayStars: Mainly since i saw my friend zam in it, but also since i wonna join a very dedicated clan!
Why should we accept your application: I bring good vibes, dedication and maybe some nice pvm tips for certain bosses
Previous clans - Reasons for leaving: Joined a clan 3 days ago called * Soul M8s* but it were very inactive and not many people online.
01-Mar-2023 18:56:18