Display Name: T a i
Slayer XP: 13,341,092
Total Level: 2264
Do you meet all of our entry requirements: Yes, unless infernal cape is a requirement
What are your current and future goals in RuneScape: Maxing the main, start going for all pets while rebuilding the bank up to BIS gear
How often do you play: Couple of hours every day
Do you agree to join our Discord server (Rule #17): Yes,
Why do you want to join SlayStars: I've never been part of a clan before, felt like Slaystars is a clan which i like the consept of. I'm a fan of the slayer skill and look up to many of the higher ranked members.
Why should we accept your application: I've been playing the game for a long time, got some experience with it. I feel I can have an impact both socially and game wise
Previous clans - Reasons for leaving: I've never been part of any clan before
09-Dec-2019 16:58:34