
SlayStars - 99 Slay & 2K Total

Quick find code: 320-321-383-66064712

Jan Member 2023


Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Display Name: T a i
Slayer XP: 13,341,092
Total Level: 2264
Do you meet all of our entry requirements: Yes, unless infernal cape is a requirement
What are your current and future goals in RuneScape: Maxing the main, start going for all pets while rebuilding the bank up to BIS gear
How often do you play: Couple of hours every day
Do you agree to join our Discord server (Rule #17): Yes,
Why do you want to join SlayStars: I've never been part of a clan before, felt like Slaystars is a clan which i like the consept of. I'm a fan of the slayer skill and look up to many of the higher ranked members.
Why should we accept your application: I've been playing the game for a long time, got some experience with it. I feel I can have an impact both socially and game wise
Previous clans - Reasons for leaving: I've never been part of any clan before

09-Dec-2019 16:58:34

Oct Member 2014


Posts: 1,171 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chramer said :
Display Name: T a i
Slayer XP: 13,341,092
Total Level: 2264
Do you meet all of our entry requirements: Yes, unless infernal cape is a requirement
What are your current and future goals in RuneScape: Maxing the main, start going for all pets while rebuilding the bank up to BIS gear
How often do you play: Couple of hours every day
Do you agree to join our Discord server (Rule #17): Yes,
Why do you want to join SlayStars: I've never been part of a clan before, felt like Slaystars is a clan which i like the consept of. I'm a fan of the slayer skill and look up to many of the higher ranked members.
Why should we accept your application: I've been playing the game for a long time, got some experience with it. I feel I can have an impact both socially and game wise
Previous clans - Reasons for leaving: I've never been part of any clan before

Welcome to SlayStars! :D
You will be given access to the clan chat ASAP and we will rank you up once you join discord and post your gear check.
Come join the cc whenever you can!
Click on my Avatar to find the thread for the #1 Slayer clan
(99Slayer & 2000+ Total Requirement)

09-Dec-2019 18:13:47

Oct Member 2014


Posts: 1,171 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
osrsSascha said :
Display Name:

Slayer XP:
17.1m xp.

Total Level:

Do you meet all of our entry requirements:

What are your current and future goals in RuneScape:
My current goal is to max my account, which I should have done years ago but due to personal health issues - it was not possible. Once I am maxed by the start of next year, I can finally 'play the game', which in my vision is pvming.
I also have a long-term goal to obtain the Infernal Cape, and obtaining all of the pets.

How often do you play:
5-8+/- hours a day.

Do you agree to join our Discord server (Rule #17):
I agree to join the Discord server.

Why do you want to join SlayStars:
I want to join SlayStars because I am confident this is a clan which will make me feel at home. With my current goals in Runescape, I feel SlayStars will be the perfect fit for me because I can get to receive and give advice and experience - which will help me and probably others with the same goal as me. Also being in a clan in growth, I'll be able to make new friends and socialize with new people. I'll be able to find pvm teams with people I can trust and create great experiences with.

Why should we accept your application:
You should accept my application because I am confident I will be a good addition to SlayStars because I am a friendly guy with a lot of respect towards others, who also shares the same goal as most of your members. I am always myself and I am not afraid to tell anyone my opinion, and I am always talking 'to' and not 'about' anyone.

Previous clans - Reasons for leaving:

Attitude Kings PvM
The clan got discontinued a week ago due to players leaving and less people being active.

Welcome to SlayStars!
Click on my Avatar to find the thread for the #1 Slayer clan
(99Slayer & 2000+ Total Requirement)

11-Dec-2019 12:56:46

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