Hello friends! I am Tenderag, y'all may have seen me spreading some love in the CC over the last few weeks. <3
I believe my combat level has just hit 90 and my total level should have just passed 1200 which i am quite proud of.
Of course i have read and agree to the rules, though honestly there should never be a time when I would break them regardless of if i read them or not. If you have seen me in chat you will likely understand why
Of course i am happy to split loot evenly to those who deserve it. If a boss is a team effort it doesn't make sense for only one person to profit.
I don't really have a favorite in game activity because i haven't played long enough to know what to do, i mostly just fumble my way around at this point though I am partial to slayer, over the last week i have been extraordinarily lucky with my drops from it so i have been trying to level it more.
I have no boss experience, however given my luck with loot i very much look forward to starting it once i hit my 75 base combat stats :3
I was invited to Nontoxic by Tebal, He met me killing Ankou in the stronghold of security trying to make money off of blood rune drops and was having none of that, he gave me heaps of advice and told me about the CC and when i joined everyone else was just super lovely and helped me as well, Y'all are just a bunch of cuties and i am super happy to be a part of the clan, I didn't know there was a forum post for ranks and stuff, honestly ranks aren't too important to me but it would be nice to be in the discord so i can chat to people while i play and that's the main reason i decided to come here to apply for one.
Stay safe and thankee kindly for taking the time to read over this! <3