Also, I NEVER once blamed anyone for me losing my graceful. I took the risk and I knew I could lose my graceful. As it happened I was at the ardy teleport when it happened. Someone made the false claim I blamed everyone, when no, I did NOT. This doesn't mean to make a huge scene out of it. Having people over tell me what I did is stupid and ignorant is neither helpful or conductive of a non-toxic community.
If I WAS blaming everyone, then I WOULDN'T be asking clearly which roof coursetop to run between Seers and Canifis. Which is ALL I asked! If you give me MORE than what I ASKED, then do NOT get mad or claim me to be a hypocrite when I deny it or tell you to not tell me what to do outside the grounds of what I asked!
20-May-2019 17:00:59