RSN: AiY (main) AiY B (alt)
Total level: 1945 (main) 1262 (alt)
Rs history/story/main+alt accounts: Played from 2018-2019, took a break. Came back now. Started an alt, questing again has been fun.
Account type: Both are just pvming mains.
Timezone: East coast USA.
Favorite boss: TOA is pretty fun rn.
Why do you want to join Wildfire? I would like a place to actually talk to other osrs players and even have glorious multiplayer pvm experiences in this MMO.
Have you been a member of, or recently applied to any other clans, if so why did you leave? I have not been in a clan before.
Do you understand that multi-clanning isn't accepted in Wildfire? Yes, I understand.
How did you hear about us? Forums.
19-Sep-2022 17:26:50