RSN: PrimusG , Unknownx1, SRGNTMoney
Total level: 442/490/206
Rs history/story/main+alt accounts: Played Rune scape back then for years and years but stopped for a long time as to take it back up in 2022! The old Account I had back in 2015
is on an old AOL email which I haven't even thought of to look for. So I have decided to make new toons and just go crazy with skilling again haha. I'm not up-to-date with all the new stuff they added and what not,
so I just work on my Wood Cutting and skilling up! However not against learning whatever I have to. ( Primus Is Melee MAIN/ Unknown is Battle Mage-Ranged/ SRGNT Is professions I.E Wood Cutting/ Money maker)
Account type: Primus [MAIN] {Unknownx1 -ALT} { SRGNTMoney- ALT}
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time UTC -5:00 / -4:00
Favorite boss: Have none
Why do you want to join Wildfire? I love to game, love to be social and relax with people on a down to earth level and enjoy gaming. Hoping to find more people that are active in this game, coms, or to play and hang with in general and hoping to join a like minded group or close to it. My end goal in this game is to get 99 and join the ranks of the high levels/ do raids/ etc!
Have you been a member of, or recently applied to any other clans, if so why did you leave?
Never have I joined a OSRS clan in the years that I've played (other then TONIGHT)
Do you understand that multi-clanning isn't accepted in Wildfire? Affirmative
How did you hear about us? Looking at the clan list for " looking for OSRS clan to join "
16-Jun-2022 05:52:55
- Last edited on
16-Jun-2022 06:06:59