1. What is your RSN?
Prple Rain
2. What is your combat level and total level?
126 & 1961
3. Have you read the clan rules? Please list at least 2.
Yes - no multi clanning and listen to star ranks.
4. What will you do to help better our clan? And will you give feedback?
To help better our clan, I will be active in chat as well as at events. I bring a lot of bossing experience, though rusty after a long break, so I will definitely offer feedback as well as assist where I can.
5. Will you be willing to recruit or help bump the forums?
6. Favorite activity in OSRS? (Skilling/Minigames/PVM)
Depends on the day but I've been recently trying to enjoy all the minigames that OSRS has to offer. Trouble Brewing has been my most recent discovery.
7. What is your experience with Chambers of Xeric/Theatre of Blood?
I have 340 CoX kills and 874 ToB kills but I haven't played for a few months and am definitely rusty.
8. What is your timezone?
Central time.
9. How did you find the clan or did someone recommend it to you?
I found the clan via the forums.
10. Have you been in a clan before? If yes, what was your reason for leaving and have you notified them of your clan change?
No - when I did raid I did it with rl friends that don't play anymore. Never been in a clan before.
28-Aug-2021 01:18:07